post 6

death toll:

-civilians – 691 killed reported by UN – with 97 being children
-civilians – 2,300–2,857 killed – reported by Ukraine

-ukraine army – 2,000–4,000 killed

-russian army – 3,500–6,000 killed

-the russians continue to bomb all the main cities in ukraine – including kyiv – they want to level all of these cities and then go in

-russians have fired over 1000 missiles at ukraine

-3MIL ukrainians have left the country

-the ukraines are pushing back on russia, causing their advances to stall

-300 russian tanks have been destroyed – the russian army continues to look very unprepared

-captured russian soldiers say they can’t go back or they will be killed

-Polish, Czech, and Slovenian prime ministers visited zelensky in kyiv to show their support

-nato forces are building up on the border of ukraine

-biden will visit nato hq to discuss next steps

-zelensky will address the us congress – looking for more support – taking a page from churchill at the start of WWII

-the world has seen how cowardly that these russians are as they relentlessly target and kill civilians – they don’t go after military targets – they target houses and apartment blocks and hospitals – what the hell! – who are these cowards – their day will come





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